Xin Peng
Vice Dean
and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Fudan University. the Deputy Director of the Software Engineering Special Committee of the China Computer Federation
the outstanding member of the China Computer Federation (CCF), Deputy Director of the Software Engineering Committee, Executive Member of the Open Source Development Committee, Director of the Youth Working Committee of Shanghai Computer Federation. He is also a Co-Editor for "Journal of Software: Evolution and Process", and serves as editorial board member for several journals including "ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology", "Empirical Software Engineering", "Automated Software Engineering" and "Journal of Software". He was a steering committee member for IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) from 2017 to 2020. In 2016, he won the NASAC Young Innovation Award in software engineering. His research interests include big data analysis in software development, intelligent software development, cloud-native and intelligent operation & maintenance, ubiquitous computing systems etc. His research work has received numerous awards such as Best Paper Award at ICSM 2011; ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards at ASE 2018/2021and ICPC 2022; IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Awards at ICSME 2018/2019/2020; Annual Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering in 2018. He served as General Chair for ICGSE'14 and ICSME'17 conferences, Program Chair for Internetware'17 and ICSR'19 conferences respectively. He served as General Chair or co-Chair for CCF ChinaSoft’22 conference jointly with ICSE/FSE/ASE/ICSME/SANER/RE program committees members. He leads CodeWisdom Research Group at Fudan University to conduct researches on big data analytics platform for software development practices & intelligent software development platforms which have been applied by many large enterprises successfully